Medical Treatment for People With Substance Use Disorder

Our Services

Medication for Opioid Addiction Use Disorder

Treat your opioid use disorder in the comfort of the outpatient clinical setting. No standing in line for daily dosing; after stabilization, most patients only require monthly visits. Treatment with buprenorphine (Suboxone) is augmented with talk therapy and socal support.


Medication for Prevention of Alcohol Relapse

Treatment with naltrexone or other medications can help a patient prevent relapse to alcohol use disorder after successful detoxification. Patients receiving these medications are supported with regular follow-up visits and talk therapy.


Suboxone Detoxification

Suboxone is a life-saving medication, but not everyone is prepared to take it for life. If you’re in a better place now and want to stop, but your current prescriber has no interest in helping you do so, we might be able to help.

Outpatient Alcohol Addiction Detoxification

Detox from alcohol in the comfort and privacy of your own home. So long as you have never had an alcohol withdrawal seizure or delirium tremens, you may be a candidate for outpatient alcohol detoxification.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Addiction

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy which targets the maladaptive thoughts and behaviors which drive substance use disorder. Unlike traditional psychotherapy, CBT does not dwell on the past but rather looks at the present in order to create a better future.

Treatment of Other Substance Use Disorders

The most common substance use disorders we treat are opioids and alcohol, but they are not the only ones. Each addiction is unique, but they share core features that enable us to treat them.

Family Assistance and Intervention

If your loved one is struggling with alcohol or drug use, it is difficult to know where to turn for help. You may also have difficulty convincing them to get help. We can teach you strategies to cope with the stress of living with a person who has addiction and techniques to help motivate that individual to seek care. Inquire about our family services by booking a discovery call today!

High value private care for a reasonable fee

We offer treatment on a direct payment model (sometimes known as concierge medicine). We do not accept insurance but rather offer service for a flat annual fee. This covers all necessary visits (office and telehealth) and treatments; the cost is the same, regardless of your particular needs. Our annual treatment fee does not include the price of medication, but any prescribed medication can be obtained from an outside pharmacy using your insurance or purchased from our clinic dispensary for a modest fee.

This allows us the freedom to deliver care that’s best for the patient and frees us from worries about the limitations of insurance. This model also ensures absolute privacy regarding your diagnoses and treatment plan; no client health information is released without the express permission of that client.

We offer flexible monthly payment plans as well as a paid-in-full discount. Our emphasis is quality of care, and unfortunately, the insurance model is unwilling to reimburse us for the level of care we provide.

Click the “Get Started” button at the top of the page or call our office today to schedule a FREE initial evaluation with Dr. McGeachy. You do not pay until you decide to start treatment.

“I want to help you achieve recovery on your own terms.”

— Jack McGeachy, MD

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.