
may not

have the disease of addiction yourself, but if you live with a person who does, it takes a tremendous toll on your life.

At North Tampa Executive Health, we can help you learn strategies to both cope with this stress and improve the chances of motivating your loved one to enter treatment for their substance use disorder.

Strategic Coaching Sessions

Speak one-on-one with Dr. McGeachy for an hour at a time to learn new coping strategies that will improve your quality of life. Together, we can develop a plan of action with the goal of getting your loved one the treatment they need.

Both in-person and telehealth conferencing appointment are available to best fit your busy schedule.

Best yet, if your loved one decides to enter treatment at our clinic, any money you have spent on counseling sessions is credited to their treatment fee.

  • Yes, that’s the goal. There are tangible steps and concrete strategies you can implement to convince a person to get help. We will work with you for as long as it takes.

  • No. Interventions can help motivate a person to seek help, but in practice they are difficult to perform because few families are willing to confront the person with addiction in such a direct way. Intervention can also backfire if you aren’t properly prepared. Our method uses positive reinforcement and the establishment of boundaries to gradually shift their attitude to treatment.

  • I am happy to meet with your friend or family member with their permission, but my experience has been that many people with addiction are hesitant to do so. The goal of our family services is to teach you the techniques necessary so that you can convince them to seek help voluntarily. Once we reach that point, we can schedule an appointment for their treatment.

  • Yes. We want the best for your loved one and if you have a certain treatment setting in mind, we can work with you to get them into treatment there. If your loved one wishes to receive treatment from our clinic, any fees that you paid for counseling is credited to their treatment fees.